Monday 25 July 2016

Chocolate almond cake

2 1/2 cup of flour
1 cup sugar
1 cup almond chopped
2 table spoon baking powder
1 table spoon almond essence
3 table spoon cocoa powder
7 eggs
400 gram unsalted butter-margarine(soften) 

In a large bowl add sugar and butter and mix with an electric mixer until you have a creamy paste
Then add eggs and beat on high speed for 5-8 minutes until well mixed
Then add cocoa powder and mix little by little 
After that add flour little by little while beating in high speed
Add almond and almond essence and mix well 
Continue on beating and add baking powder
Beat on high speed until you have a nice ribbon batter
 Preheat even at 180 degree 
Grease a mold which can contain the cake mix at half or three quarter of its level 
Then leave the cake to cook for 35 to 45 minutes
After 25 minute use a fork or a bamboo toothpick to check the center of you cake 
You will know if it is nearly ready
Then lower the flame to have of it's capacity and allow to cook 

Note; arriving at 30-35 minutes if cooking check it again to be sure if it is ready and not burning 

Remove from oven once ready and serve 

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