Wednesday 20 July 2016

Orange muffin


200 gram of self raising flour
1/2 cup orange juice
25 gram grated orange peel
110 gram unsalted butter
125 gram of sugar
4 eggs
5 g salt
120 ml milk
In a bowl mix butter and sugar until you obtain a creamy paste
Add eggs and beat on medium speed
Add grated orange peel and beat until all ingredients are well mix
Then add milk and flour and salt little by little while beating
until all ingredients are well mixed and it becomes homogeneous
Add orange juice at last
Preheat oven at 180 degree
Grease the mold before you place the cup
 ( first in paper cups)
Pour the muffin mixture in a muffin mold
Let cook for 15 to 20 minutes
Remove from oven and leave to cool
Then you can remove the paper cup
Serving suggestion:
Place it in a muffin mold or cup cake paper
In a separate bold mix little plain yogurt and small orange cuts
Pour on top of your muffin
and here you go
That's really delicious
Note: When you eat you will surely have the citrus taste of orange peel but that's what is great about it..................

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